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JSP servlet-api.jar jsp-api.jar error

Access restriction: The field SC_OK from the type HttpServletResponse is not accessible due to restriction on required library D:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\servlet-api.jar
Access restriction: The field SC_OK from the type HttpServletResponse is not accessible due to restriction on required library D:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\servlet-api.jar
Access restriction: The method println(String) from the type JspWriter is not accessible due to restriction on required library D:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\jsp-api.jar
Access restriction: The method println(String) from the type JspWriter is not accessible due to restriction on required library D:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\jsp-api.jar

미친듯한 에러들;;-0-;; JSP관련한 모든 함수가 에러가 떴다;; 
첨엔 링크가 잘못된줄 알았다. jsp-api.jar servlet-api.jar 를 못 읽으면 그런다길래 봤지만 path는 잘걸려 있었다.;;

뒤적뒤적 거리다가 결국 이클립스 에러인것이였다. (정확히는 인식을 못하기 때문에 에러를 발생한것이다.)
이 에러가 없어야 실행이 되기 때문에 에러를 맞는것으로 인식시켜주면 된다.

1. windows->Preferences 클릭

2. Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings->Depercated and restricted API->Forbidden reference(access rules); 을 Warning ignore 로 골르면 해결된다.