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Accessor for field 'FIELDNAME' clashes with related field 'MODEL.FIELDNAME'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'FIELDNAME'

if you see an error 

APPNAME.MODELNAME : Accessor for field 'FIELDNAME' clashes with related field 'MODEL.FIELDNAME'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'FIELDNAME'

This error is your model have two FK. so The name overlaps. Do not know ORM relateed field

my model is as follows:

after: add related_name="FIELDNAME"

and you use the related_name in views.py code


It's error code.

$ User.obejcts.get(skill_first=skill)

It's worked code.

$ User.objects.get(skill_first_profile=skill)

using the Write a declared related_name.